Jia is at work with me. She just alerted me that they were both asleep. Awe.

Our family.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Fei's Art Project
Ok, so museums are offering free online tours. Some are asking people at home to recreate famous paintings with whatever they have at home. I've really enjoyed seeing some of them on Facebook. Especially when it was created by someone I know. I suggested at home that we could try some. That was met with a total dismissal. They didn't even pretend to humor me. Apparently I am bored and they are not. Too busy for such things.
Then Jia told me today that she was working on a photo project with Fei. Home to discover Fei's art teacher assigned the above project. Haha. Love it. Fei of course was not keen to have me post the following pictures but she did agree with very little coaxing. Enjoy!
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Another Week Down
More Covid haircuts. I didn't get an after shot but he looked great. Fancy hand scissoring on top/front.
Officially touching on purpose for nap 12 of the day.
Eric cut Jia's hair.
Jia cut mine. Seriously crooked so Eric took over. Haha.
Eric found a leak in the moho so he spent a good chunk of today working on that.
Doesn't everyone do homework with puppies on their work?!
Kleenex on hand for all the tears. He's figured out that participating is slightly better than sitting alone at his desk but he still sobs at having to do the work.
The joy of rediscovering old toddler toys.
Our Pack. Love.
Don't look at me. Just the moment. Too funny. Laps in jammies with the puppies and Walter still wanted up.
We've barely seen Lili the whole weekend, she has to finish a writing thesis for her University English class. She's running out of time, stressed, has to get her current B into an A.
Lili did have a call with an adviser at the University on Friday. It's very frustrating and very complicated. So many variables and unknowns. Some info gleaned that is helpful. Basically she has to pick out her science courses by the 12th and won't hear about the other two nursing courses until the end of May. So much waiting.
Fei and Jia have started a new excercise challenge. Jia is delighted. She won't excercise with me but with Fei it's the BEST.
I went to Walmart on Saturday. Too busy. Long line to get in, shelves empty. Wasn't like that a couple days earlier. Constant announcements to social distance, one family member to come, follow the directional arrows. What a weird world we're in.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Ask me how much I like zoom. Dare ya. Oy. I'm not loving homeschool yet. Sooooo much email for five. Soooo many downloads. Leaving Eric at home to deal with technology is not the best plan. The boys are on for their meeting right now. It took WAY too much effort to make that happen. I won't hear until later how it went. Jia meets her principal and class at 1. Fingers crossed that is easier. I was able to get on easily last night. We changed the new wifi password then I had to reset all of the devices. So I did try the links and apps last night. Way too much tech happening. Alexa wouldn't reset so we're missing her already. Will have to delve into her issues later.
Jia's french homework was about favorite animals. She picked a turtle. She's been on and on and on and on about getting a pet turtle for weeks. With full force adhd passion. So she was pleased about doing a paper craft I found to go along with the french writing. Doesn't she look pleased in the picture? Her pet turtle will be named Jarod and they will be best friends and he will come everywhere with us. I've tried telling her they stink, messy tanks, hard to care for, not really much for personality. I had a pet turtle once. I loved him of course but I personally feel very little need to have another one. She can't hear me. I see zero evidence that she would step up and do the work so it's just not happening. I'm happy to love on paper Jarod though.
Jia made the craft on her own. I cut out the pieces for the boys. Eric assisted Luk with assembly. I called Kai to come help put his together but he cried and I told him to go play. Simple for me...no tears in my classroom. Eric saw for the first time that this is his new get out of school tactic and told him to come back and sit at his desk. No more fun when he gets out of school work. Unfortunately it means we have to listen to him sniffling and sobbing. How on earth is building cute turtles torture?
Jia found a microwave mug recipe for chocolate chip cookies. They turned out ok. Nice warm treat. She made one for herself and then went back and made one for all the siblings.
Her teacher just lost a parent so her principal has stepped in. He assigned make a times table. Drawing the lines difficult, doing the math simple. She also had to draw six simple machines and write about them. She came to work with me yesterday and knocked that out here at the office. Clever girl. Now...how do I get her to actually like reading?! She does it, under duress. She reads well but finds it boring, slow and predictable.
Lunch on Saturday. Potatoe salad and apple pie. I've never made decent pastry. Told Eric we should try while we have the time. It looked good, it tasted good but still super tough.
Getting closer for those naps.
Coco can't get up on the couch. She's picked this spot on the shelf for when she's sleepy and we neglect to pick her up. Too cute. She needs a pillow there.
Morning cuddles before I left for work. Oh Walter. Sasha wanted up too.
Eric thinks we should continue homeschool. Haha. We are NOT on the same page with this one. I could maybe muddle through with Luk because he's keen to learn and is happy to work independently. Jia is tough to keep on task and requires my full on attention to get it done. As for Kai, I have no freaking clue how to teach him anything. At all. We still work on toileting, washing hands, eating without double fisting, manners of all kinds. His speech is a disaster. His therapists don't make much progress either but at least we can all feel like we're trying. I can't imagine homeschool for Kai. Perhaps if I was home and we could settle into a routine but the pace we have now is not something I can maintain. It's only possible because we have no social activities filling our time. Feeling like a failure a lot of the time these days. Or that I'm failing the kids. More specifically that I'm failing Kai. He needs a village. Stretched too thin. Most of the time I figure a few months off school is no big deal. Kids just need to keep their mental health. It's the comparing other's journeys that makes it feel so hard.
Eric had Luk's neurologist Dr. appointment yesterday on the phone. It went decently well for a phone appointment. She has been pushing for both boys to be homeschooled for a couple years so she got Eric's positive feed back about how much better they're both doing in general and wants us to continue. Not helping my case. I agree there are lots of things that are easier AND I look forward to dropping them off at school again one day. It's not about wanting them away from us, it's about not feeling adequate as a teacher in general.
Lili got early courtesy news that she didn't get a place in the BA of Science in Nursing at VIU. Her first choice. Lili doesn't ever fail so I'm not sure this was a real possibility in her mind. Now we still wait to hear from the other two nursing schools. Which are both admittedly not keen on accepting students right out of high school. Now she ponders the 2nd choice options. Mainly either a LPN two year course and bridge gaping to the BA. Which requires another biology course over the summer. Which she did register for last night. Or doing BA of Science. She has been accepted to VIU and UVIC for this option already. Also offered a $2000 scholarship by UVIC. Tuition less at UVIC with the scholarship but dorms are more and she doesn't like the dorms or food there. After MUCH debate she accepted at VIU in Nanaimo for the living situation. She is hoping for placement in a townhouse/dorm so she will have a kitchen. So many options. It is KILLING me to not jump in and make the calls and ask the questions and make the decisions. Gentle support with the occasional thought provoking question thrown in. She remains firm that she wants to be a surgical or anesthesiologist nurse. With the occasional thought of maybe medical school. It's hard to watch. For today we have two semi solid back up plans underway. Thankfully the big girls are managing their school work on their own. Lili doesn't seem too concerned yet about grad celebrations being cancelled.
Update already. Lili has been on the phone/email all day and has now ruled out the LPN course and dropped the summer biology class for now. Concentrating on BA of Science at VIU while waiting to hear about the other two nursing programs. She has requested a zoom meeting to work through which classes she should be requesting. She is honors with distinction so gets first choice which is great. Would be better if she knew what she wanted though ;) Also the high school is ordering their caps and gowns. Still no word on what or how the social distanced celebration will play out but at least we can dress up and pose with her in her cap and gown when the time comes.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
A parking lot!!
Step one of a Nelson family parking lot!! We have new neighbors. They are doing a major backyard renovation. They need fill. We've had a big pile behind our fence since the retaining wall went in 7 or 8 years ago. It's of course always on the never getting to it list. Need to rent equipment, a dump truck and have said equipment in the front yard. Costly and super messy. Also, can't fit through front gate. Eric's solution, offer them free fill and a case of beer. Yay! Eric took some fence down and the very nice fellow came over this morning to move the pile. 2nd step will be to move the fence and the back corner will be open to the front. Then we have to move a couple fruit trees. Finally gravel. It's insanely exciting. Also my version of exciting has changed dramatically over the last few weeks.
I should take the boys out to see but they rejected the idea of shoes. How are they not all bored out of their skulls?! Update, they took four loads.
Eric gave up shoe space for pet food and to stock piles. Haha. Laughed out loud when I found his cubby.
This is looking like a post about Eric ;)
I never know what's happening when I get home. Yesterday, I walked in on this. Pandemic haircuts for the boys!
Eric did a great job. Best cut the kid has had. He has the thickest hair we've ever seen.
Eric wanted to be creative but I begged for basic crew cut. Perhaps I'll let him be creative with mine?
So, it's Saturday. We have no plans. Big surprise. We don't have any grocery order pick ups. One of us will have to do a shop. Both of us are volunteering. Likely Eric will shop and I'll wait in the car. We'll see how the day pans out. Three days of nothing planned. It's still unsettling to me. The rest of them are still just fine. You know that when we start resuming life I'll be running out towards everyone and everything and everywhere and my family will all be like 'eh, we're good, you go, can you bring back food?'
Today Lili has requested Chinese food. Barnicle Barney's has a pick up dinner for 6 for $85 so that is the tentative plan for no counting calories Saturday. Update. Barnicle Barney's should not make Chinese food. I'd say it was some of the worst we've ever had.
Coco remains well. We're all watching her like crazy. Never been so happy to see anyone poop.
Remembering this Little Lady today. I miss you sooo much Lacie. The tears still flow. I can't believe it's been a year already.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Social Distancing at Home
Mom came to hang out. Too ridiculous. Can't wait for this to end.
Fei took my head out of this picture!! Super creepy but the pups are adorable. They look more and more alike every day.
The boys had a zoom meeting with their class today. All reports were not positive. It took Lili and Fei to get on. Link on the computer wouldn't connect. They didn't use the tablet I set up and instead quickly loaded the app to Eric's phone. The down side of not being there. Luk shut down, wouldn't talk. Kai was super loud, talking over everyone and only wanted to talk about lego. Eric didn't love just sitting and supervising. I'm not sure this will be something any of them want to do again. We did putter through some of the homework assignments. Luk is keen. Kai is NOT.
Lili and Fei are figuring out their schooling. Thankfully all on their own. I did see that Fei's foods class is changing to cooking at home with the suggestion of her making dinner. So I'm happy about that ;) If only it was every night.
Coco remains well. She played hard outside today and is crashed in her pack and play now.
Lili's News
So much upheaval all around and Lili just keeps plugging along on the University track. She got news yesterday that her school is nominating her for the Presidents Award at VIU. Each public and private school from the island gets to nominate one student. VIU awards three full scholarships each year. Second, third and fourth year contingent on GPA. She doesn't have this yet but she's in the running! Flattering to be chosen for sure. Fingers all crossed. She won't hear about this until the end of May. How cool would it be to get accepted into the course she wants and get the scholarship at the same time?!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Rough Couple Days
We woke up yesterday to find four vomits in Coco's kennel. Then she vomited outside. I took her to work so I could keep an eye on her. In three hours she went down hill fast. Got wobbly, lots of little vomits and dry heaving. She couldn't sleep because she kept heaving. She was quite cuddly but wanted down when her tummy convulsed. Then she had a couple seizures in my arms. I called our vet who said to take her to the Nanaimo emergency. Yikes. I called Eric. Left work and sobbed the whole way there. She had passed out after the second seizure. When I got there and parked out front I called immediately. Covid - can't go in. I got her out of the car in her car seat. Very relieved she was still alive. Put her on the sidewalk and stepped back. A woman in a serious hazmat suit came and took her. Very scary. Very surreal. They were great. Called me every 20 mins for three hours. I stayed in the car and waited. Lots of questions, lots of tests. I could hear her screaming. That was super hard. SUPER hard. In between each call I was looking online for what would be protocol for Coco. They did each and every step as standard procedure. Emergency care is pricey. Without it she would have died. So I don't like the cost and some of the procedure was exasperated by covid and I'm grateful the service was there and that they were able to stabilize Coco. She had a bowel obstruction. Which caused vomiting.
Which caused her having a glucose drop and dehydration. Which then caused a drop in potassium which is what caused her seizures. She stayed overnight on a drip. Replenished her glucose and potassium and hydrated her GI track so she could poop. It worked. No great story about what she might have swallowed just told me it was extremely common for puppies. They have said a couple things were odd about her blood panel indicating possible liver problems. I was able to pick her up this afternoon. It's been a very long couple of days to say the least. Seriously hoping this was a one time event.
All these years, all these critters and no emergency stories. We mostly deal with old age! This was a shock to see her get so sick so fast. Coco Loco is definitely winning the Drama Queen title at our house.
She was pretty happy to see me. She seems a bit shell shocked. She has meds to take for a week. Special diet for a few days. She's tucked into the pack and play. Hoping we can get some much needed sleep tonight!
Happy and healthy the night before the downside.
Looking a little freaked for the ride home in her car seat. Ears down.
Big giant bandage, was more like a cast. So happy to have her back. She is totally being babied now.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Easter Part 2.
Since we aren't family photo presentable I asked the girls to bunny ear us up on an older picture. This one is Fei's.
This one is Jia's. Big competition on whose is best. Jia's was fastest. She hand drew the faces. Fei's is more specifically what I asked for.
The summer bliss spot is back in action today. Yay.
Happy Easter
Eric and I are up and ready for Easter fun. The girls will sleep until noon. Sigh. The boys are up early but they have zero idea anything is up. Which does make holding them off their baskets until the girls are up super easy. Haha. Perks.
700 calories per bag. Only I would figure that out.
Even in a pandemic. Thankyou Superstore.
I had fun shopping on my one big grocery shop. Then read later that someone spotted a shopper at Superstore browsing through the toy dept and buying Easter goodies and they were horrified. Yikes. Was likely me. Wasn't trying to offend or put anyone's life at risk! Sorry, NOT sorry. It's hard enough not being camping, or bunny hunting at Butchart, or riding the Easter train or eating out with friends.
The school assignment was a picture with a bunny and an Easter egg. :) Classroom decorating.
First time ever, we (Eric at my behest) blew out the eggs. Not sure how painting these delicate versions will work. Then he made an egg scramble for Isabel because there were tiny bits of egg shell in the bowl.
Eric and I delivered tomatoe plants to Sue and potting soil to Mom yesterday. The tiny girls came with us. The kids didn't want to go for a drive. Wild. I'm chomping at the bit to get going. Totally stir crazy. I was thrilled to be in the car, out in the sun. We were social distanced. Pups and I didn't get out of the car. Eric did go into the 49th in Chemainus and got Kai his Cheerios.
Front yard snacks are the best.
They are happy to touch if they're on my lap. Still haven't found them cuddling purposefully.
Fei's photo. Best one of Coco yet. We likely don't need a leash and the kitten harness is way too big but better for her to get used to one. She doesn't love it. I've ordered tiny pink harnesses for them. I do have the old rat harnesses here but they are misplaced somewhere between the house, moho and cars. Sasha is really good about staying with me. Much like Lacie was. Coco is already starting to follow Sasha. Plus, she doesn't move very fast.
We've made it through week one of puppy hood. It's going well. She is a happy little thing. She squirms like crazy when she sees anyone. She has a big personality. She scares easily and screams in fright and she runs to me to come up. We've still got her in a kennel at night. She pees and poops on a pad in there every night. Until she can get up and down the stairs to our bed she'll stay in the kennel. So far she isn't complaining about it. When Eric opens the door in the morning she is beyond excited to see him. Her tail wags knock her over. She is doing exceptionally great about using the pee pads. She has figured out some routines. She's doing great with all of the critters. If we can't find her she is almost always at the toy basket.
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