
Our family.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A parking lot!!

Step one of a Nelson family parking lot!!  We have new neighbors.  They are doing a major backyard renovation.  They need fill.  We've had a big pile behind our fence since the retaining wall went in 7 or 8 years ago.  It's of course always on the never getting to it list.  Need to rent equipment, a dump truck and have said equipment in the front yard.  Costly and super messy.  Also, can't fit through front gate.  Eric's solution, offer them free fill and a case of beer.  Yay!  Eric took some fence down and the very nice fellow came over this morning to move the pile.  2nd step will be to move the fence and the back corner will be open to the front.  Then we have to move a couple fruit trees.  Finally gravel.  It's insanely exciting.  Also my version of exciting has changed dramatically over the last few weeks. 
I should take the boys out to see but they rejected the idea of shoes.  How are they not all bored out of their skulls?!  Update, they took four loads.
Eric gave up shoe space for pet food and to stock piles.  Haha.  Laughed out loud when I found his cubby.  
This is looking like a post about Eric ;)
I never know what's happening when I get home.  Yesterday, I walked in on this.  Pandemic haircuts for the boys!  
Eric did a great job.  Best cut the kid has had.  He has the thickest hair we've ever seen.
Eric wanted to be creative but I begged for basic crew cut.  Perhaps I'll let him be creative with mine?  

So, it's Saturday.  We have no plans.  Big surprise. We don't have any grocery order pick ups.  One of us will have to do a shop.  Both of us are volunteering.  Likely Eric will shop and I'll wait in the car.  We'll see how the day pans out.  Three days of nothing planned.  It's still unsettling to me.  The rest of them are still just fine.  You know that when we start resuming life I'll be running out towards everyone and everything and everywhere and my family will all be like 'eh, we're good, you go, can you bring back food?'

Today Lili has requested Chinese food.  Barnicle Barney's has a pick up dinner for 6 for $85 so that is the tentative plan for no counting calories Saturday.  Update.  Barnicle Barney's should not make Chinese food.  I'd say it was some of the worst we've ever had.  

Coco remains well.  We're all watching her like crazy.  Never been so happy to see anyone poop.  
Remembering this Little Lady today.  I miss you sooo much Lacie.  The tears still flow.  I can't believe it's been a year already.