
Our family.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

She slept through!

Little one had a couple naps before bed.  Both with Eric. I didn't get much time with her yesterday. She was monopolized by Eric, Fei and Jia. She ate, she drank and she peed and pooped.  Sasha came to us unsure how to eat and drink so we're pleased to be ahead of that curve.  She explored, she played, she fearlessly met kitties, she nicely submitted to Isabel and Sasha.  When we took her up to bed she got over excited and turned into a biting whirling dervish.  Our plan was to skip kenneling. Haha.  We made it 10 minutes on that decision. 
She settled in immediately and then slept through the night! Eric put the kennel right on our bed. Sasha and Jia layed beside her door. 

Jia however was too excited to sleep.  This puppy is soft like the black one she wanted last year. There was some moaning about putting her in a cage.  Her little needle teeth really hurt when she bite.  She lunged at my face and got my chin so I was quite comfortable to have her caged while we slept.  We also told Jia it was a trial and that has messed with her so there are CONSTANT questions about what would necitate her going back.  Worried a pee accident or nip will be the end.  Or that Sasha won't love her and we'll give up. I've tried explaining possible medical special needs that would be expensive but that is NOT a good reason to Jia to give her back.  This is clearly not a good time to add any further uncertainty to Jia's world.  

Eric was up first and took his puppy down with him.  He took Sasha and Isabel too ;)  Wonder if I'll get time with her today?