
Our family.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A New Toothbrush for Kai

A vibrating tooth shelf.
The inside intel at the Nelson house.  Kai will have been with us 5 years on Feb. 15.  We have not managed to teach him to brush his teeth in all these years. At all.  Seriously, not at all. Like he literally can not move the brush around in his mouth.  Or remember paste or water or rinsing or putting the cap on the paste or where to put his brush after.  Not even if we stand beside him with step by step instructions.  Not with pict-o-grams that he can't see anyways. Not by copying someone. The only thing he knows is that he's to get the brush and it goes in his mouth.  The entire purpose of brushing is lost on him. I have been despairing for YEARS about this.  For me we send a child off to school where the supervision is NO WHERE near where I feel it needs to be and he can't even get dressed or brush his teeth, or his hair or wash his face and hands.  

So I read about this toothbrush for special needs kids and ordered it right away.  He just has to put it in his mouth and it turns off after 45 seconds.  He was super excited to see it yesterday, it had to charge overnight.  This morning he met Eric at the stairs asking about his tooth brush.  :)  It fits his mouth, it worked, he was happy.  Eric sent me a smiley face update.  It's pricey enough that I'm a tad concerned about it surviving Kai in general.  All of his things have a short shelf life ;)  but in the meantime perhaps there is a wee chance of a tiny bit of success.  

Feels like a small win today.