
Our family.

Friday, January 15, 2021

The 5th Wheel

It arrived yesterday.  It's huge.  I haven't been in it yet.  Waiting for Mom to give me a tour.  Eric is all over it.  Furnace on, fireplace on plus a heater.  Dehumidifier in there today. Water system flushed this morning.  She'll be up and running in no time.  

Coco was a doll all night.  Good sleep and cuddles all night for everyone.  Phew.  Hoping normal chaotic life can resume.  

Now, big event today, Lili has to see a dental surgeon in Nanaimo today.  She's asked me to go with her.  I'm leaving our town today!!  Up early, showered, favorite shirt on, filled the car with gas.  Honestly you'd think this was a road trip.  She hooked me in with the lure of my salad at Montanas.  I've made it at home with Kai but it's not the same.  The pecans need to be spiced and their dressing is better.  I could never have imagined the day coming where a doctors appointment could elicit such excitement.  Just happy to get out at all.  Hoping we can sneak a stop at Lee's market for some Chinese New Year supplies.  

Update from today.
Gorgeous day.  Love Nanaimo.  Lili is set for wisdom teeth extraction.  All four are starting to erupt and will mess with her pretty new smile. 
We did some shopping then an early dinner out.  Montanas did not disappoint:)
In the mail today.  How cute are these moon cakes?!  So fun.
Lots of goodies, too fun getting ready for Chinese New Year.