
Our family.

Monday, January 11, 2021

The weekend.

This was pretty much the weekend for me.  Coco has been pretty severely traumatized.  She is mad at everything and everyone.  Lots of growling and attacking.  There is no possible way for her to get as close to me as she wants.  Right now she is frantic to get to my face or neck.  She has begun taking her shirt off and then bringing it to us.  Also at bed time she is getting her diaper and bringing it to us.  Weirdest thing ever.  She is getting great at taking meds.  Practically opens her mouth for Eric while I hold her.  I came to work without her today.  We're sort of thinking some separation from me might jar her back to normal.  Cuddling got way better with her but in all other areas she's a little disaster.  First day with no pain meds today.  Her wound looks great and I'm a tad hopeful the pain meds have been part of her behavioral problems.  
On sentry duty.  Ready to attack any dog or cat that gets near me.  Apparently I am hers now. Thankfully she hasn't shown any aggression towards people.  
Oh my.  Was fun for the few minutes it took Jia and I to find Eric's tickets and see if we were the winners.  Nope.  Sigh.  
Eric's newest project is almost done.  He is almost done painting.  Can't wait to load those shelves up.  We've needed a pantry since forever!  
Room for the extra fridge and freezer as well.  Eric helped a friend with his truck repairs on Sat.  When he was done we made a trip to Walmart.  My first in public outing in weeks.  Oddly exciting.  Covid is suddenly in our little town so we'll be out even less than our weird new normal.  So we wanted to stock up some more.  Shelves are empty. We filled a cart, paid, loaded it in the car and headed back in for round two.  We've never done that before.  Had to phone home and tell the kids to be ready with shoes on.   Takes all hands on deck to load and put away a double order.  

Eric spotted two giant owls in our side yard so Sasha and Coco aren't allowed out right now.  

Fei ordered a smart bulb for her room.  Now Jia insists she needs one too.  She wasn't so impressed with mine but Fei's changes colors.  

Lots of TV watching.  

That was pretty much our weekend ;)  We've reached the point of it being all good when there were no crisis moments or mental health issues.  Gave us lots of time to just nurse Coco.  Who thankfully can do stairs again.