
Our family.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Flex Day/Pro D Day.

Zoey spent Saturday night with us. Sunday we got to take her home. 
We stopped at Cherry Point to get gelato from Albi.
Ken and Eric were able to fix a couple things on their motorhome.
I got to visit with Shannon and we all got to enjoy the cuteness of Silas.
Eric had to install a hitch on the new van.
Test drive.  The lights work ;)
A safety mat for Finn.  My living room is looking more and more like a Chihuahua playroom. Instead of being upset about it I'm considering more ways to bubble wrap his little world.
A sleepy boy with his dinosaur.  Look at that little face.  Swoon.  You can see why we need more bubble wrap. Haha.  We had the dogs in the back yard tonight and Finn was overwhelmed by the zooming of the others.  He came to me and put his paws on my ankles. His first ask for uppies.  So sweet.  Eric and I took turns holding him.  
Jia and Max rode their bikes off our property alone for the first time. Jia was scared.  She isn't planning to do that again any time soon. 
I'm guessing that little taste of freedom will entice her to head out again.  The lure of the slurpee is strong.
It was trickery. She was so excited to get in the car and we took her to the vet. Her issue from the other day needed looking at.  Girl issues.  The vet couldn't find any thing obvious. For everyone who has met Isabel you can imagine how difficult an internal exam would have been. They've done a urinalysis and blood panel. He was really impressed with what great shape she is in for an 80 year old.  Sob. We really are in her elder years.  We are not ready. She is not ready.  If the panels are clear next step would be a sedated exam but that is possibly extreme for her age.  Will end the post with this cuteness.