
Our family.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Day 2

Up at 6. Easy parking today. Clinic at 8am. 
These two never see Starbucks so they were actually excited for their lunch today.  Cake pops included :)

8 appointments for Luk today. He is healthy. We have much to be thankful for. However. We were handed a LOT to deal with today. The daily medical regime for Luk is going to four plus hours a day.  To say I'm overwhelmed is an understatement.  His cord is tethering.  Too tight.  The orthopedic surgeon wants to get ahead of problems before the next growth spurt and he ends up in the chair full time. Then the urodynamics was done under ultrasound so we could see the issues. The issues are different than we all thought. His meds are now stopped and we're off on a new plan. That none of us like. Luk accepted that he'll be cathing. He accepted where he will be cathing from grudgingly.  Finally he accepted he needs a circumcision.  But folks, I'm certain once he KNOWS what that is we'll have a problem here.  He was extremely dramatic today. He is medically done. We need a magical moment for that talk.

We're supposed to start proper flushing tomorrow but first we need to locate medicinal glycerin.  That should be fun in Duncan.

The team today wants to get us home support. They think my plate is too full. They pushed and I pushed back.  We don't want  strangers here. It's always easier to do things ourselves.  I've come home and dumped all the info on Eric.  He's overwhelmed now too. I agreed to think about it and we will revisit the idea in four months when we're at the next clinic.