
Our family.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Happy Lunar New Year

It was a busy day. We didn't have any plans for the first night of Lunar New Year. We did eat long noodles for long life with an egg for a fruitful year at lunch.  Mom came to help Jia organize some school.  We find she can do the work but needs company and someone to encourage her to keep her butt in a chair ;)  

I felt sad to not have Lili and Fei home so we decided to meet at Haidaway for dinner. They were closed. Bonnie's was full and the three Chinese restaurants we know of are all take out only.  Pho's was open with seats so Vietnamese it was!  

We don't know why but Kai announced quite a few times that he WOULD have peanuts today. He cried when I told him we didn't have any. After dinner, before the E.R. we stopped at the 49th and Eric got peanuts. Kai was thrilled at snack time.  
Jia, Mom and I did a Tuesday thrift store run. We got to see Sue there.  It's still completely bizarre to not be working with her every day. I found a dog tuxedo for Finn!! 
Then we ended our evening at the E.R. Luk is fine. I'm a freaked out mess.  I panicked at a possible infection when the bandage came off today. The Dr at the Duncan hospital was great. He's never seen a cecostomy before. He looked up what to expect and called Children's. Then assured Luk and I things were looking great. A wonderful nurse bandaged him back up and sent us home with some bandage supplies. 

I wasn't sure if we should go to the hospital but future nurse Fei asked some very technical term questions and then told me to take him in. It's going to be great having a nurse in the family.

We were in and out in an hour and 15 minutes. Everyone was awesome. The person to come in after us is a Mom from school. Her son is in the boys class. He had covid, then she got it. 15 days past positive test and triple vaccinated and she is fighting to breath. Standing at a sink doing dishes and she can't breath. So scary.

After her was a very pregnant woman, unvaccinated struggling to breath. Again, so scary.

Eric was texting me to get out of there. I texted back 'covid only possibly deadly, hospital infection definitely more deadly'. I'm glad we went. Good to ease worry and now we know they're willing to try supporting Luk should anything else arise.
Daytime naps are the best.
These two hadn't seen each other since her Birthday.
They're morphing.