
Our family.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Last Day

Eric utilized the muscle power from Khang to just move Cheese for hooking up.

Lili sent a bunch of pictures from their kayaking adventure.  Will do a seperate post.

I've updated the last few posts with photos.

Setting up the post on the right date.  I'll put photos on at home.  I'm bored with the super sketchy service out here.

It's been a very busy week out here.  A few relaxing moments here and there. A TON of walking, swimming, hiking, bikes and kayaks. Mountains of good food and great fire times. Propane fire. The girls all went home tonight.  The rest of us are ready for home.  Eric has Cheese packed up and right now he's puttering around putting chairs away.  

I'm on my last day of the 2 week glucose monitor.  Things were decently predictable.  I managed to stay in the green numbers for 98% of the time.  2% were dips in the yellow and short lived.  I feel a bit like there isn't really that much more to be learned.  It has definitely been shocking to see how fast the numbers go down.  I really, really, really need to stop skipping meals and snacks.  I prefer for all the other issues to eat extremely light when we're out or have plans.  I also prefer giving what is left of my digestive track a big break.  I am happiest with the one huge meal a day plan.  This is where Crohns and Diabetes don't get along at all.  

One last peaceful sleep at the lake.