
Our family.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


A short cruise, 4 nights.  The terminal is only half hour from Anaheim. We were here early. Finally made it on a boat in time for lunch. Our rooms weren't ready until 1:30 so we had a long leisurely lunch.  Kai was beside himself with the choices.  We all ate something different ;)

Made it to our room to discover three beds in each.  Sigh.  We're sorted now, they added a cot to one and separated the beds in the other.  Me and the littles in one room, Eric and big girls in the other.  That's the official placement to have an adult in each room.  Eric usually stays with me and the littles but this time we have 7 singles.  We're too old and grumpy to be sharing that small a bed.

We explored the boat. Are woefully turned around and struggling to figure out where we are. Have to keep consulting the map.  We booked A Green Eggs and Ham breakfast with Dr. Seuss and friends.

We did dinner in the dinning room.  It's a treat for sure. Buffets require a ton of up and down. In the dining room we got to sit and visit. Lots of laughs and sharing of food.  Eric, Lili and Luk tried alligator. Guessing it tastes like chicken. Desserts came and we ordered chilled strawberry parfait for Kai, he gasped out loud when it was placed in front of him.  Too cute.  Luk had a hard time picking. He asked the girl to repeat the options twice more.  She got to his level and spoke slowly and he picked pineapple sorbet.  He didn't love it and ended up eating my lime sorbet. Looking forward to dinner tomorrow.  Pretty happy to be eating again after yesterday.

Lili and Fei ran after dinner to watch the Wonder Woman movie.  Then they're off to the teen club.  Fei was allowed to move up to the 15-17 year old club with our permission.

Jia and Luk have gone to their club.  Fingers crossed it works for Luk.

Kai wanted tv and bed so we're already snuggled in.
