
Our family.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The rest of the day.

My flex.  Eric and I went to the school for the boy's iep meetings that weren't today. Now not until November. Stayed for the weekly assembly where the high points were watching Kai dramatically throw his body onto the teeny girl beside him and then roll onto his back on her. Geesh.  The weirdest crap you can imagine.  The kids are sadly so used to him that they don't even react. Then he rolled into a ball and rolled/layed on the kid in front of him.  His EA went and fixed that. I wish we hadn't stayed, tough to watch, hard to see him get away with such extreme weirdness.  Tough days with Kai.  He's making strides with school work but his stress is showing.  He revenge peed yesterday.  He was unhappy about a cartoon he didn't like.  Eric gave him a few options and he rejected all of them.  I was loading shows on his tablet for the trip.  Eric suggested turning the tv off and he agreed.  Possibly he thought he was getting his tablet. I told him I was busy loading shows and he should play.  A minute later he peed an ocean of pee on the duplo.  He just doesn't think these things through.  Instead of getting tv he had to take off his own wet clothes, wash his own feet so he could walk to the bathroom and get in a bath.  He hates, hates, hates having baths. So he sat sulking for a half hour and then we left him to dry himself off.  Which he didn't do well because then he struggled like crazy to get dressed without help.  Brutal.  He was really mad.  We don't dare baby him through this peeing when he's mad thing.  He puts out VOLUME pee.  He has the power to destroy our world if he pees on everything.  Especially on our trip where there is simply no way to survive that much pee in the car or in a hotel.   Maybe we should get some adult diapers to take?  He puts out way too much pee for pull ups and diapers don't come nearly big enough for him.  I can't believe this is the issue of the day again!  How many times will he revisit this phase?! 

Then we went to Nanaimo.  Ran a few errands and raced back to pick up the kids.  I managed to get Eric into the nail salon for a pedicure.  He liked it.  Said he could get used to that. So our feet are all pampered.  A couple more things from the dollar store.  We bought no name lego to take for Kai.  Looking for ways to keep parts of his routine because he's going to hate being on a holiday.  Hoping the promise of lego in the room will help. We had Jia's Wendy's dinner.  Where she barely touched her feast.  Isabel enjoyed her burger ;)  One last stop for Eric and I to get hair cuts.  Home to get the boys to bed.  Clean up, critter care and a bit of fine tuning on the packing. 

Back to work tomorrow.  My desk is loaded. Not sure how to get it all done.  I might sleep in the car all day Saturday while Eric drives.

It's taken me years to get him here!
The new cut looks great.  Wonder if he'll be able to repeat this look.  I went back to bangs but they won't lay forward yet, so no picture.
Love her drawings.  Now how to get her reading more and doodling less?