
Our family.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Jia's 11th Birthday

Jia is sound asleep.  Eric and I are getting ready for a noon party.  Hard to make a day special when she can't do ANY of the things she wants to do.  I'm making cinnamon buns since she won't eat cake.  Eric is cooking pizza pockets for her luncheon.  Fancy hey?!  Haha.
When we flooded four years ago stuff was haphazardly thrown in boxes and has been  shoved around for years.  We're still slowly going through treasures.  Since the arrival of Kai finding time has been a massive struggle.  Today Eric brought up the tea cups.  It took us 45 minutes to wash, dry, sort and rebox in a nice clean plastic with a lid box.  The plan is to move them into the kitchen hutch for future tea parties.  Then I went to the dinning room to get the table cloth and found/remembered that I bought a matched set of my good dishes and we now have more than enough matched tea cups...could have just let the assortment go.  If you're ever having a hard time finding tea cups just come borrow ours.  Crazy.
Cinnamon buns are always a hit.
She loves her new desk and chair.  Eric refinished it for her.  It's a nice solid piece.  We haven't moved it to her room yet.  We're not quite ready up there. 
All food she will eat ;)
Moving onto fun family games.
Cheating was required.
Team one.
Team two.
Kai managed to stack the most dice.
Both teams remembered all the items except the tape.  
The clear winners.
Close seconds.
Cookie face drop was the funniest.
Not all the games were pictured.  We played for a few hours. I'm exhausted.  
Kai took time out to play.

Gramma just took Jia to pick a duvet cover out for her new duvet. Eric has run into town to pick up Dairy Queen.  None of the day was as Jia would have preferred but all in all not bad.  We found some fun.