
Our family.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Little humor. We have a hard time with wifi. Giant house, too many users. During pandemic, kids at home for school we were crippled and resorting to using data. So we upgraded. Price increase. No loyalty available. Now we have blue curve and it's sort of ok except our coverage in the house is worse with the new modem so we bought an extender for upstairs. So two networks. Oy. Neither is great. Jia lives in her doorway because she games and glitches aren't as easy for her to deal with. I couldn't get my blog to load photos on the weekend. Not good with our university student coming home. So I called again today. Still no loyalty. Upgraded to the new 1 gig speed for 17 more a month and ordered the pods to increase area coverage for 10 a month. Shaw just goes up and up for me every time I call. Fingers crossed this helps. Telling myself no matter what it's all better than dial up phone line internet.