
Our family.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Overfilled tub.

So, in the ongoing saga of flooding at the Nelson house.  On a lazy Sunday...

I'm at the table doing Christmas cards. Eric is in the kitchen.  It's bath time for the boys.  The normal routine is that Luk gets the bath ready and helps Kai quickly through the process because Kai HATES baths then when Luk is alone he enjoys a long leisurely bubble bath.  But I meddled.  Said to Eric maybe Luk just enjoys his bath and we do Kai after.  Must be a pain for Luk to deal with Kai's fussing.  Good plan.  Nice break for Luk.  Kai is delighted to put the horrific bath experience off for a little while.  

Luk ends his bath.  Drains the tub.  Starts the next tub running and calls Kai.  Next thing we're aware of is Kai's fussing, we call it the Kai alarm.  Now, these are normal sounds here and especially around bathing.  But he is escalating the volume so I alert Eric that perhaps he should check.  Thinking it sounds like too much for Luk to deal with.  Haha.  Eric goes in and Luk isn't even there and the water is 2 seconds from overflowing the tub!  Kai was aware...didn't know how to turn it off and didn't think to come and get us.  Sigh.  Kai was greatly relieved to see Eric.  The little overflow drain doesn't do the job in case you've ever wondered.  Close call.  And we were right there.  Clearly that bathroom needs to move or we shouldn't be allowed to have water.