
Our family.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Midnight Travel Drama

For those following.  Haha.  Keeping you in our loop. It's possible the world is not quite set up for travelers yet.

We had a quiet evening in.  Jia's preference. We had Uber eats.  McDonald's for dinner.  Jia's preference.  I agreed the US McDonald's has fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.  We ate them first!!  They were still warm and truly incredible.  

I woke up at midnight.  Checked my phone.  There was email from our bank stating there was a possible fraudulent charge on our visa card.  Yup.  We've had this happen before.  They canceled my card while on a holiday and it was happening again tonight.  Except last time we had Eric's card so we were fine.  This time, it's just me.  In a cashless society where cash isn't much help.  Also, because I knew cash would be difficult to use we didn't bring enough for the whole trip.  Totally COUNTING on the visa card.

Two and a half hours later I finally reached someone on the fraud line.  Using both our phones and looking online.  It was busy here. With too much time spent doodling. I only cried a little.  Then I called Eric just to confirm he didn't spend anything on the visa.  Because he just loves it when the phone rings at 2 in the morning.

Jia had been shushing me because the hold music was annoying her sleep but the second she heard Eric's voice she bolted up and paid attention to what was happening.  Telling her earlier while I bugged her for the passcode to her phone held little interest for her.  I contemplated lifting her hand for the finger print. Right out of a movie. Haha.  I guess reporting my woes to Eric made it real.  

It turns out that the tickets I bought for Knotts are deemed out of character.  I said well, after 20 months of no travel you must be seeing a lot of this.  She admitted they are.  The algorithms suggest that we only stay in Canada.  Arg.  So, we have to go back to the olden days of phoning the bank before leaving home?!  Fun.  

Anyways.  She thinks the card will be reinstated by morning and hopes the tickets will go through for us.  

We're both wide awake now. Luckily we have cookies left over.

Oh...and in Jia travel stories.  The neighbors had some vigorous adult time.  She looked over at me in COMPLETE HORROR and I said "yes, that is what you think it is".  She looked away towards the offending sound, covered her ears and demanded I take her home immediately.  I know I should have been comforting.  Perhaps running around the room making noise trying to drown out the sound but honestly I was working too hard at not laughing.  Another stellar parenting moment.

I called Eric back to let him know we were sorted and after I hung up with Eric Jia wanted him so I called him back.  She told him she missed him and that she loved him.  He told her she'd be ok.  Oh my.