
Our family.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Smarmy Guy

The covid fiasco story. I booked 5 pcr tests in Hollywood. When we got there we sat and I filled in 5 pages of information for each of us. Phew. Then the nurse came and said "oh, you're Canadian. We don't have the test you need". Ah, but I called and was assured you did. Then this guy comes out from the back and there is a bunch of whispered communication between them. Then we were told, we can do your tests but they're 149 each. I had booked 89 each. Which apparently was no longer available. I called the number on my appointment schedule and detailed the issue with my name and number. Then I saw the guys eyes and knew that I'd just called him directly. He and I both know that the test is 200plus anywhere else. So I start bargaining. Eric doesn't know that we're stuck dealing and is mad and trying to get kids in the car to leave. He had Jia sneak a picture of him. Now she is a super spy. She even got a picture of his car and license plate. After bartering hard we settled on 109 per person. I had to redo the paperwork for each of us.  We were there an hour. The tests took seconds. He was a total creep for sure. It was an unpleasant way to end our time in Los Angeles. Eric and I discussed openly in front of him that his new price point made it close enough to equal to stay in the US three more days of hotels and food. Which we could have done if the house sitter could stay. The creep had no idea that Canada border testing was ending in April 1st. He asked me if that was for real and was clearly distressed by the information.  Three other Canadians came while we were there. One stormed off. One was ok with the upcharge but couldn't get his results in time for his flight so was instructed to do it at the airport for 249. Third guy was in a heated debate when we left. Totally nuts.
So, because the situation was so questionable. When Luk started sneezing at home and had a slight cough we tested him at home. Still negative. Then in further questioning he said that his mouth was itchy. So his hay fever has hit him and we kept him home for it. Sigh. Eric explained to the principal today and Luk is allowed back tomorrow.