Ya, this happens now. Regularly.
Eric got to play with Lego. Kai can't follow the directions. It's way too intricate for him.
Coco ate Sasha's work bed. She got the entire top seam apart! How can such a wee thing do this much damage?! Kind of impressive really.
Neice Avery was married last Friday. They're wearing the bow off our gift ;) Too cute. Can't wait to see the photos.
I've been battling Jia about shoes still. She NEEDS sandals (or anything not giant chunky boot) for Las Vegas. Nike Airs and she doesn't totally despise them, she also doesn't think she will need them. She's on about Doc Martin's now.
Now, this is the most exciting thing ever. Likely needs it's own post it's so exciting. I bought tickets for Eric and I to see Elton John!!!!!! Life time dreams. Bucket list worthy. I plan to sing loudly through the whole show. Can't wait. The catch being that the concert is on the same day Jia and I are supposed to fly to China but we're thinking that won't actually be allowed so this will be fabulous compensation. If I do get to China Eric will have to take a friend. Way, way too much fun. I must have caught Eric on a good day because he also agreed to go see Jann Arden! Life is just so much better with fun things to look forward to. Mental health survival.
Nicole just dropped a Hatsune Miku cosplay off for Jia. It was Willow's. Jia is thrilled and wig shopping online already ;)