
Our family.

Friday, December 2, 2022

X-mas Concert

Luk enjoyed being in the choir.  So cute.  One more year of elementary cuteness left.  

Watching the little ones was fun.  So sweet.  Jia and I went to the afternoon show.  Eric and Jia went to the evening one.  

Kai was thrilled to miss out.  Funny thing.  He is feeble at coughing.  He doesn't ever have a productive cough.  He's was rumbly sounding and just doing weak little coughs constantly.  Then he stopped coughing so we knew it was ending.  He has figured out that the cough is what is allowing him to stay home so every time it's mentioned he gives a tiny cough.  Haha.  He's now faking!  I told him he's back to school Monday he said "oh man" and hasn't coughed since.  The jig is up.  Love it. A lot more conniving than I thought he could put together.  
A new bed for Izzy.  We're keeping the antihistamines going and it's making her a bit drowsy.  Thank goodness.  She lives on high alert normally, she HAS to know where everyone is every minute.  The napping and resting will help her hot spot heal. I have managed to walk out of the living room without her occasionally. So weird.