
Our family.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Big Gay Dog Walk


The venue changed.  Not nearly as many people this year but still a nice turnout and a good, surprisingly calm event.

We got to watch a service dog do his job.  Coco was enthralled.

A few more Jeep pics posted in the group.

Eric took Luk to Queen Alexandra for his new afo fitting.  

Then they went out for lunch.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024



He's pretty proud today.  The starter went on his mower so he got the one off the new/parts one but they're different, of course.  So he built one out of the two.  Then he tried to show me the parts and how he honed and altered and wired them to fit together.  I have no clue.  Then he mowed the front circle.  Guys, I should have taken video.  I had NO CLUE you could get a mower to go that fast.  He knew I was watching so was being funny and when he got off he said "I'll get it to 100 one day".  Haha.  

Monday, July 1, 2024

Canada Day


Eric and I joined a Jeep run today.  Some familiar faces and some new friends.  No actual wheeling but some great views and a few laughs along the way.

A quick dinner at Centennial Park before Lili took off with friends and Fei picked up an extra shift.

It was a long day after a sleepless night (kid up questioning life) so when we got home I layed down and crashed for a few hours.  Now Eric and I are starting to watch Criminal Minds, me prepping for the jury selection, haha.