
Our family.

Sunday, July 28, 2024



Friends came to stay for the weekend at the Nelson Campground.  

Kids played, adults got lots of deck time.

Birdwatching. I think they spotted a chicken hawk.


And FAR.

The kids were happy to stay home with screens while the adults got dinner out in Cowichan Bay.  The Cook and Butcher didn't disappoint.  Then today we dragged the boys around for the morning and then we gave them a choice of lunch out with us or home for noodles and screens.  They chose home so the adults went to the Osborn Bay Pub for lunch.  That also didn't dissappoint.

We went to Mom's so Eric could disassemble some of her furniture in preparation for the move on Tuesday.  We thought we'd stay out of their hair and take Poppy for a walk.

Poppy didn't get the memo.  She really didn't want to walk with us. Getting belly rubs was more her vibe.

The manly crew off with tools.  

Eric took the freedom panels off Onyx so we got a great windy drive today.  While we were in Crofton Shannon and I went to the resort and booked sites together for the August long weekend, so that's fun.  I'll cancel our Goldstream site. I also booked my favorite site at Osborn Bay a couple nights for Autumn Moon festival. It's mid week so it might just be me there.