
Our family.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Gordon Bay

It was a scurry to get organized this time.  No sitters at home.  Izzy had to come with us.  We can't have her incontinence in the trailer and she can't do the stairs.  So we brought an old kennel and put her bed in it.  She slept in our room in a different kennel as a puppy.  She got up last night and went to bed, on her own.  She's amazing.  We slept with the trailer door open so we could hear her and she slept through the night.  The thrift store pulled through amazingly again and there was a tether cord for outside there and shockingly a Jeep backseat protector for Onyx, so for $5.50 we were all set to take Izzy camping again.

We think she's happy.  We attempted a slow walk last night after dinner and she collapsed twice and stopped at one point and just looked at us.  Eric was going to go get the car but then she saw a puppy and we just had to go meet 4 month old golden lab Chase. Then she slowly made the rest of the walk back.  

It's Eric's Birthday today, for his gift we booked an appointment for Oscar to go get the 2022 tire calibration set/done so Eric won't have a sensor lit up and a bell bonging every time he starts Oscar.  Exciting stuff.

Two of his sisters, a brother in law and a neice are at the campsite tonight.  I can't believe I'm missing out on his Birthday.  I don't think we've ever been apart on our bdays.

Lili came out today and had breakfast and lunch with us.  Eric and Luk got the kayaks all ready.  I had offered to tow the utility trailer out to get 5 boats to the water but Eric declined.  Today he decided we need the trailer.  So Lili came home.  I came home to work a bit and get Jia to work and later to pick up Fei from the ferry.  Then Jia from work.  Phew.  Lili is coming with me. AND Eric drove home to pick up the trailer and get some straps to hang the hammock for me.  I was contemplating sleeping outside with Izzy but she was so great last night I won't have to.  

The forest was nice and cool.  So nice.  I had to put a jacket on for our walk last night.

Today I got an urgent email from the sherif.  My jury selection has been cancelled and no new date has been set.  So disappointing.  However, it does makes life easier, simpler.

Some days are truely complicated.  The logistics are a lot still.