
Our family.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Welcome home Cheese.


It was a super long day for us yesterday.  The dreaded appointment was quick.  The specialist needed proof and documentation from the family Doctor.  Who was apologetic.  So not a pre-op as I was told, more of a pre-appointment.  Which of course makes way more sense.  Oh, and I asked if the specialist was a g.i. or colorectal surgeon and was told yes.  Haha.  Then to Sooke, a visit with Julie, paperwork, insurance, lunch at A & W and finally back to pick him up.  On the way home there was a car accident so we ended up stuck on a bridge in full sunlight for an hour waiting for the road to clear.  We were late getting back to Duncan so thankfully Lili was able to get the keys for Oscar before the tire place closed so we didn't have to leave him there overnight.

Most of the gear we sold with Cheese came back.  Except the new mattress, she threw it out.  It was a brand new rv queen.  Sigh.  I have the low profile foam one from the Falcon that will fit so I don't need to buy one today but the comfortable one is gone and the uncomfortable hard one is back in action.  She did offer us the one she bought but it was too small, a super single and high profile so would mean we couldn't use the big shelf. Eric has some projects to do before I use it and I need to compile all the things again.  Nothing big, towels, bedding, pots, kettle, dishes.  I'll shop in Eric's garage first.  Haha.  I already have a 12 volt fridge, the cooler, outdoor carpet, lawn chairs and my port-a-potty.  I did order a dvd player on Prime day since we used the little tv from the moho, then Cheese in the Falcon and sold the bigger one with the moho.  

I did go online to look for a quilt or comforter.  I was hoping for a camping themed one in blues and greens.  I found tons but not 'the one' then down the rabbit hole to turtles to match the dishes.  Then I was too confused so I gave up for now.

I told Fei my ideas for the inside and immediately she would prefer to keep the twin bed.  My idea was to make it more comfortable for two people with a better functioning kitchen and a spot for the port-a-potty.  So, our thinking caps are back on. 

Mom was over earlier, issues with the house purchase.  So much stress.  

Eric took Jia to an appointment today and while he was gone the new neighbor that I can't stand, started up a wood chipper.  Oy.  Normally he uses a chain saw for hours at a time carving.  Hence my hatred.  The chipper is a whole new level of noise hell.  Eric just got home and has flipped because our entire yard, house, roof, pool, decks, cars, trailers are absolutely covered in debris.  He went over to suggest he haul it away like everyone else does, it's free to take to Bings.  He says we can just blow it off things.  Eric reiterated that he wouldn't dream of inconveniencing the entire neighborhood.  Not everyone has a blower, or the time and it's extra annoying because Lili and Eric just cleaned the front porch and back deck because she is having friends over. The cars were all just washed on Tues.  Sigh. Eric just cleaned the clear deck roofing last week.  The new mess is super annoying for sure.  

I personally would have passively never said a word and continued to hate him from a distance.  Not Eric.  So, currently three neighbors we're not delighted with.  Sigh.  Now Eric wants to build a 20' high fence on that side.  Haha. I'm not opposed to the fence idea.  

New a-hole neighbor bought a forest and clearly is trying to make it into flat, clear land.  We definitely are losing all privacy on his side.  I did ask him once why he wanted to see in all our windows so much.  He didn't answer me.

I cancelled our Sproat Lake trip but the site went into the white circle of death.  So we still have the reservation.  I'm contemplating.  Might be fun to take just Luk but even if I pull together getting Cheese ready in time I'm terrified to park him.  I did tow it home yesterday and it was easy.  Easier than in the van because Onyx is taller and I could see over it a bit.  

How is everyone else's summer going?  Anyone getting stress free, lazy summer days full of picnics and fun?  

I could use a bit more relaxing, stress free fun.

I am eating dinner out with five other ladies tonight from my grad class.  That's fun.  Not sure how relaxing though.  My anxiety hits hard in the weirdest ways possible.  I'm completely comfortable to go.  I will enjoy the ladies.  I am not comfortable walking into the bar by myself and finding the group.  I do realize that's insane.  

Now if only the freaking wood chipper would stop!!  
This is our entire world right now.
Fei's black car.  They all look like this.