
Our family.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Day 4, Skagway


We woke at our leisure, breakfast in the dinning room.  Banana bread french toast with warm berry compote and a fruit plate for me, corned beef hash and an omelet for Eric.  We mosied off the boat to explore Skagway.  Our goal was the museum.  We did four museums.  The whole town is really a historic museum in itself.  We walked for four and a half hours.  A late lunch on the boat and a long hot tub soak for me.  Port day so it's quiet on the ship.  There were no kids in my hot tub today.  So calm.  
We're in our room for a wee nap.  We have no plans yet for later.  

Fire drill, smoke can.

The swath that was the last mudslide. Wow. 

We watched the ferry come in and offload.  Check out all the class c moho's ready to load.

We found cruising ducks.

This fry bread was our other goal. Hands down the best donut ever.  I'd come back to Skagway just for the fry bread.  Not kidding.

Eric found a black Onyx keychain for me. We did shop for onyx yesterday but the prices were really crazy high.  So I ordered another pendant from aliexpress last night to replace the one that never arrived.