
Our family.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



My biggest irrational fear is my car landing in water.  So I saw this tool for breaking glass and cutting seatbelts and ordered one for each of us.  They've been here for weeks.  We don't know where to put them in the cars.  Thoughts?  The visor was advisable for the ability to reach it but how unsightly and how would you fasten it there?  Quandries.

Easter Seal Family Camp this weekend for Kai and I.  They have great food but sucky snacks so I loaded us up.  I'm planning to add fruit, cheese and yogurt in a wee cooler bag.  Definitely better prepared this year.

Lili and Devan went to Port Alberni to watch the Mars Water Bomber leave on it's last flight.  

We don't see a lot of Lewis but more so these days.  He's claimed Izzy's new bed ;)  Isabel adores him so she lets him stay there and lays on the floor near him.

Better picture of the next ship for our cruise in May.
Cathryn, Susan and Marty are coming too.  So fun.
I've realized that 7 of us on Hullo with parking of two cars is stupid expensive so we're looking at other  options. The current thought is using the 7 seater Commander and parking at BC Ferries, walking over and busing.  This is the cheapest way we can find.  Not the easiest.
We are planning to take the wheelchair since we sort of broke Luk on the last cruise.  So I assume the chair will be fine on a bus, plus 7 people and 7 suitcases.  Oy.  I can already feel the chaos.

Apparently one of the seals we watched finally caught a fish the next morning.

Luk brought this up to show me.  He built a robotic t-rex.  He walks, and roars and bites.  We both think he waddles more than he walks.  It's pretty cool.

Kai really struggled with this 40 piece puzzle.  I did it mostly for him.  I lay the pieces near where they go, in the right direction and he puts them in.  Teamwork. The school routinely told us about the 500, 1000 piece puzzles he was doing at school.  Uh.  No. Not on his own he wasn't.

Trying to keep him occupied with simpler games.  This is balancing dinosaurs.  He stayed with it for about 20 minutes with them crashing loudly to the floor over and over again.

I wanted lazy days.  We got lazy days for the kids but Eric and I are still busy trying to keep up.

Eric is still working on projects.  Mostly Cheese.  He's determined to get it ready for some weekend road trips for just the two of us.  Yesterday he was keen to raise it up higher with overland tires/axles so it can 4 wheel behind us.  Haha.  I suggested we leave that for next year.

The kids are bored but they still don't want to go anywhere or do anything.

Now the big news.  Lili got a job.  She is starting a book keeping job with a local accountant on Monday.  Very exciting.  She is sitting with me now reading the contract and signing agreements and tax forms.
So grown up.
Congratulations Lili!