
Our family.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Easter Seal Camp


We're at Camp Shawnigan.
It's gorgeous here.
There are a few familiar faces. Kai is happy here.

Team 1 up performing their song.

We were team five. I think his partner is named Ting Ye, I'll clarify tomorrow.  She is very sweet, she is here with her Mom.  We have another family in our group but they seem to have moved to a different group already.  They found friends they met at Camp Squamish.

Team poster and chant time to earn our last song verse.  This is our counselor Calum.  He's here from Ireland.  Shannon he was with Dagen a lot and loved hearing from Kai that they are friends.

This is the text I just sent Eric -

...I got up in front and sang the camp song we spent the evening scavaging the lyrics to.  One other Mom, her daughter and our counselor.  WAY out of my comfort zone.  Kai refused to come to the front and sing with us.  Haha.  Another councilor took pity and joined me.  I told Kai he was replaced and he laughed so hard.

He also in great detail told a counselor from last year all about the backstory of Mufasa and Scar in the new movie he has seen the trailer for and it's an origin story.  Ya.  And it was clear.  I looked at him and said "who are you?"  He laughed at that too.

He literally told her it was an origin story...

Kai hated the obstacle course but he did get three bean bags whipped into the corn hole thing.

He remembered the way to dinner.  Haha.  Dinner was great.

No bunk beds.  It's rough but our needs are met.  I forgot to pack a night light. Oops.  We have a weird hallway that I can leave the light on in and then leave our room door open a bit so we've figured it out.  

Snack was one small slice of watermelon so I'm glad we brought snacks ;)  We're in jammies and settled by 9.

Night all.