
Our family.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Finally, decent food.

Feeling good.  Our first good food since we left home.  Helen took us to a restaurant one block away from the hotel.  We're planning to head back tomorrow.  The staff were great.  Totally adoring on Luk.

Helen says Jia is very, very beautiful.  She said she gets so much attention because she looks very much like a famous star in China.  I said that Luk gets WAY more attention and she said 'he's a boy'.   Even makes sense to her.   We are definitely noticing more boys than girls out in the streets.  Wonder when that will change.

Helen just got engaged and she blushed when she told us.  I also asked about the breastfeeding  protest and she was beyond horrified at the idea of feeding a baby in public.
She didn't think that women need the right to that.

She was shocked that we walked for three hours already today.  We did another hour and a half at Bai Yi park.  Totally different there in the evening.  Soooo full of people.  Very loud with people singing on personal loud speakers. 

Luk was still fussy.  He much prefers the hip hammock to the stroller.  He totally cheered up once we hit the restaurant.  He was happy to go in a high chair, which made feeding him so much easier.  He ate the whole time we were there.  Scary how much he can eat.

We opted out of going to the light show.  Luk felt cold to me.  He was yawning.  Jia wanted to watch a movie instead.  I didn't want to go.  Pick an excuse.
We're all cozied in the room, kids are playing.  Tummies are full. 

We get our notarized papers tomorrow.