
Our family.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pearl Market

Woke up this morning in our nice comfy bed.  Room was cool with the window open all night.   Kids both slept through, 7 for Jia and 8 for Luk.  Miss Jia had a wee bath in the baby tub.  Then down to a Mongolian breakfast.  Interesting.  Eric found a fellow making homemade noodles.  Most every thing else was off.  There was fresh fruit and some grainy bread for toasting.  We'll survive.  Jia wasn't thrilled but at this point I honestly don't know what would entice her to eat.  She is eating lots of mandarins.   Or what we call a mandarin but here is just a cheap orange in season.  Mandarins are tiny and aren't ripe until Dec.  There is your lesson on Chinese oranges for the day. 

Then we got in a cab and went to the pearl market.  Surprisingly both kids were awesome.   Go figure.  They both stayed in their strollers.  Both were content.  Got most of what was on my list.  Lili, I bought a bigger black t-shirt for you.  Now we have a set of six.  Family picture time coming as soon as we're all together again! 

I bought four Chinese outfits for Luk.  One for now, three to grow into. 

We also got adidas for both Luk and Jia for $7 each.  Too cute.

The rest was all gifts for Christmas.  So shhh.  We had fun in there. It's loud,  hectic and hot.   I just don't have the love of haggling I used to.  Eric actually did some haggling.   Ok.  I got the ball rolling and told him the bottom line I wanted and he finished up.  ;)

So happy to have Jia acting semi normally again today.

Luk's medical tomorrow.

I didn't remember  to take even one picture at the market today!

Questions re:shoes.   I have been skipping shopping for shoes.  The styles are very bright and very cute.  Just not the look Mom and I have been going for.  Likewise with the clothes.  I prefer what is available at home.  Same for Jia.  Winter clothes are out here and they are all puffy, and padded.  Way too cutsey for us.  The boy styles in particular are very young.