
Our family.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sleeping babes.

Over all, I think we're pretty good here.

Just in case everyone thinks Luk is all about Eric.  A couple shots of him with me :)

Not a lot of tears at the end.  Only during a transition.  That feels familiar to us.  He's clinging and doesn't want to be put down. 

He was pretty thrilled with some cut up apples after his bottle and then had some cherrios, puffs and goldfish with Jia.  He loved them all and was trying to grab several at a time.  Eric offered him more and he shook his head no.  Haven't heard anything that sounds like words yet.

He's very sweet.  Nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby.

Jia has fallen asleep while I was typing ;)

One happy and tired Mama.  Oh and you would seriously think we'd have figured this out by now,  but we didn't get dinner.  Off to eat noodle soup with Eric and I think I'll be asleep by 8.

Missing my big girls like crazy.

Big day tomorrow.