
Our family.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lili has moved.

So, ya, I don't recommend this stage.  This sucks a lot.  I miss her like crazy already and it's only been one night.  I can't stop crying.  I held it together for the actual move in process and we had some fun.  I AM super happy for her and her place is really nice and very cozy. A fabulous first home away from home.  I'll be ok but for today I can feel her little tiny hand in mine and I really want a do over.  
It was hot in there when we got there so we were all glowing once the bulk of the work was done.  I had packed dinner but we still had to head out for a few things (chair, night stand, batteries) and her first grocery order.
A whole order of food that is just for her.  No one else factored in.  Every single item is something she likes. She was in heaven.  No sharing!  
She has to put all her clothing away still.
Eric hadn't seen where she would be living.  He approved.  We didn't bring any tools so couldn't assemble her chair or table.  We're back through Nanaimo tomorrow for Kai's Birthday on our way camping in Qualicum so will stop to do it then.  Even though technically not supposed to be there re covid.  So stupid.  
Lucky Bear and Daggie are there, that makes it where she lives now.  How crazy is that?!