
Our family.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

My/Esmei's Deck.

Ah.  So nice.  

This couch was in Mom's trailer.  It was  headed to the dump today.  I asked Eric if we could put it on the little deck instead.  Of course, right after he put the railings on.  But he is wonderful, so he wrapped the railings in cardboard and used a ladder to direct the couch and pulled it up on a rope system for me.  True love.  It's long enough for me to sleep on and decently comfortable.  It has an unknown background.  No clue if it's ever been peed on so we were hesitant to use it or pass it on.  Critters WILL mark other animal smells.  Esmei should be the only one on this deck.  So, we'll just see how long a couch can survive outside in BC on a catio.

Busy day for Eric and I.  Clearing spaces. Moving the details.  Combining my home and work office.  Cleared the new office space. Moved the home office up after sorting kid stuff down. Moving the boys back into the sun room.  My desk and computer from work coming home Thursday and Shaw is here Friday doing the new phone line.