
Our family.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

My Office Moved Home

Eric got Al to help him today.  Thank you, thank you to Al! It would have taken us two days on our own. 
My Gramma's hope chest was still waiting for me to empty it.  It's finally sorted and is moving to storage for Fei.  If she wants it one day.  A lot of fine tuning still needs to be done but in general everything is here and put away.  The computer is running.  Another noise to get used to.  It needs hard wire so no internet yet. Shaw comes Friday for the phone line.  Tomorrow boxes are being shredded and Sue and I have to finish cleaning the empty office.  

I can NOT imagine working from home.  Home is for ignoring work.  

The kids are completely unphased. Esmei has been all over everything a few times already.  Sasha has been quite concerned this evening.  Keeping a very close eye on me.
Too cute. 
This nut really wanted to try the new hot cheetos pasta.  It smelled seriously nasty.  She didn't care for it.