
Our family.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

I'm Up!!

Dr Bonnie says it's my turn for a vaccine!  Yippee.  Forward motion.  Hope for getting out of this damn pandemic.  Doing my part.  Had a friend ask why I was up, to clarify, I'm compromised with Crohns which is an auto immune disease.  Kai is also seriously compromised.  Malformed kidneys and liver amongst his other needs.  Wish he could vaccinate too.  Next best thing for him is for as many of us around him to be vaccinated.  I had no plans to request an appointment, I would have waited for my age slot with Eric.  Flagged with a letter is different, plus, likely no chance Eric would let me wait now. 

Update...called this morning.  20 minutes on hold, easy peasy.  My appointment is April 20.  I dreamt last night I'd get an appointment today, same day as my root canal and that was a daunting prospect for the day.  Haha.  So, just the root canal for today :(