
Our family.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Calm to Chaos in a split second.

Calm day all around.  Then Eric picked up the boys.

Back story, Kai has been attempting to toss things into the garbage from a distance.  He's been told NO.  As recent as last night.  He missed the can by 5' with a dirty kleenex.

Also back story, on the way home from school Luk asked Eric what his favorite swear word is.  E said the F word.

So, the boys have very few chores in general but it is their job to deal with backpacks, lunch kits and agendas.  

They came through the door is a whirlwind of activity and Kai yelling.  We heard a whole lot of "omg Kai!! NO, STOP" then Luk yelled "Dad! Clean up on aisle 2".  

Their lunch was chicken, rice and green beans.  Kai didn't eat the rice and beans and attempted tossing it across the kitchen to the can.  He missed by a LOT.  Eric called Isabel.  Our clean up crew.  Then Luk opened his kit over top of Isabel and dropped yogurt all over her.  Because he had opened his yogurt, ate none of it and put it back in the kit.  Oy. At 11, he couldn't anticipate what would happen.  So he's been doing serious lunch kit cleaning.  I think later we should give it a real soak.  It's going to stink.  

After the whole room clean up Kai wanted to know what was for snack.  Uh.  That was a big no from Eric.  Should have eaten your lunches boys.  

Then Eric came in and said he should have said his favorite swear was Jesus Christ.  Haha.  Not half an hour later Jia came tattling that Luk said Jesus Christ to her.  No one gets away with anything here.  

So, Luk's showing first signs of puberty.  The deep voice is just nuts for me. Apparently he'd like to use some swear words to go along with his pre-teen attitude.  Everyone says girls are the worst but so far Luk has way more attitude than the girls ever did.  

Eric is outside working on Cheese.  Or escaping us.  We have no plans for dinner.  Might be a cereal kind of night.