
Our family.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Have a Minute.

Raising two boys after the three girls is definitely giving us a much different parenting experience.  So many stories.  Most of them untold. 

When we picked up the boys new beds yesterday the woman we bought them from asked the boys their names.  Kai babbled a whole lot and once he quieted a bit I was able to correct her, she thought he said Karl.  Then she asked Luk who looked away, turned and walked away.  Kai was still talking loudly and excitedly I caught Hot Wheel. She with grace moved on.  A simple what is your names. Neither managed it.  I did talk to Luk, we let him know that not answering comes off as rude and angry.  He just stares at us when we say these things to him.  

This morning both boys needed a fasting blood draw.  Kai goes every six months to check for diabetes.  He hates it and starts his screaming before they touch him and carries it on long after we've left.  Needless to say, neither of us like taking Kai.  Luk hasn't had a blood draw while awake in a long long time.  I walked him through what to expect since he now has medical anxiety.  We didn't think I should go in with a cough.  So Eric had both boys.  We got to the clinic that opens at 7 at 7:50 but they now open at 8:30.  So drove to another one that was open but they had an hour line up so we went back to first choice.  This was likely our tactical error.  Giving Luk too much time to think.  Kai squealed as normal but it was Luk that went a bit nuts.  Sigh.  Eric gets brownie points today.  It took a long time to get them both done with the small veins, screaming, fussing and crying.  He brought both boys to the car still crying.  He dropped me at home and took them to McDonalds for breakfast before getting them to school late. At the school they both went in showing their bandages front and center and Kai was loudly telling everyone it REALLY HURT.  Sigh. I have no clue how any of us will deal if either of them actually gets for real hurt.  

It's a beautiful sunny day.  We arrived to pick them up a bit early and were sitting with the windows down chatting in the car and we hear Kai coming down the sidewalk with kids all around him and he's yelling "MY UNDERWEAR ARE DIRTY....MY UNDERWEAR ARE DIRTY".  We were both quickly on high alert trying to shush him and saying just get in the car.  A whole bunch of kids will go home today with that story.  Tgen we went to sign papers at Sunlife and had a bit of time to kill before picking up the van.  It was in for electric brake and wiring harness for the Big Cheese. I needed a chair cushion for Jia's new homework spot so we hit a dollar store.  As we're heading into the store Luk and I were walking behind Eric and Kai and we noticed the butt of his pants is filthy like he's been sitting on the ground.  Luk tells Kai "your butt is dirty".  To which Kai responds loudly "I know Luk, my UNDERWEAR IS DIRTY".  I hung my head down and tried not to look at anyone.  Sheesh. When Kai yells his words become much clearer.  

Jia is wanting help with school work.  Picture day for the boys tomorrow.  Tuesday is a loaded big day this week.  Speech, milk, two schools and Kai's play group plus a pediatrician appt with Luk.  
The big hole is covered.  Insulted under this and a whole panel glued on.  The panel is plastic. Future water damage not possible. Hoping the glue holds overnight.  
Jia braided me some car ears.  So cute.