
Our family.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Are you ok?

Are you ok?

Me: I've learned to live with a very flexible definition of ok.  

Haha.  Too much time at home.  

Jia, Kai and Luk are packed.  

We realized today that NONE of Kai's pants are actually fitting.  Fun.  He needs kids 18, and they are hard to find.  Mens small and mediums are too tight and way too long.  In a pinch we packed him some of my size large capri yoga pants.  He still can't manage buttons, snaps or zippers.  

Eric installed the pod on the van and cleaned it.  Then he emptied the hot tub.  That's always so sad.  It would be too much to ask Jessica to babysit it as well as deal with Isabel and Finn.  I'll be giving a generous tip ;)  She hasn't been here since last Dec.  I think she'll be shocked at how old Izzy is.  

I skipped breakfast, then didn't care for lunch so ate very little.  Then a light snack.  Same for dinner, the family had pancakes so I had a protein, whole grain one.  Yuck.  It smelled of fish.  Then tonight I had issues.  Shaking, nauseous, sweating, dizzy.  And too stupid to realize I had likely only eaten 600 calories for the whole day and nothing to drink.  Eric brought me pedialite, peaches and ice cream, 20 minutes later I felt fine.  I have no defense.  I was busy but I could have taken the time to eat.  

I think the convertible goes to it's new home tomorrow.  

The rock chip on the van windshield suddenly spread all the way across so Eric has an emergency appointment for Tuesday to get it replaced.