
Our family.

Monday, January 29, 2024


A Kai update for those that are worried about him. Things are improved today thank gawd.  The holiday is back on track.

I layed down the new laws this morning.  And then followed through.  He knows I mean it and he has been great all day.  No weirdness!

I equated his poop games and manipulation to over eating.  So, any more weirdness and the snacks and treats have to end.  Also that bathroom trips will be all the way back in our room, with me, not Dad and there will be no screens.  

Dagen had Lucky Charms yesterday so Kai has been focused on having some.  Knowing this I ordered him a yogurt parfait and Cheerios.  He cried.  So I cancelled his breakfast order entirely.  He pulled it together and we put the order back in.  I told him little boys with upset tummies and pooping problems get fiber not treats.  

There was banana cream pie in the dining room so after he had sat through breakfast without further fussing I shared a piece with him.  And a new better behaved boy was created.  With the threat of losing treats he magically made it through the day without yelling to everyone including strangers that he had poop in his butt or needed the bathroom now. 

He did so much better today.  Shannon and I met and went to high tea in the dining room and Kai joined us and did fabulously.  He really enjoyed all the classic high tea treats but wouldn't even taste the tea ;)  However the part about having him eat less hasn't happened yet.  Haha.  There is just so much food.  

My plan in this moment is for Kai and I to do a sandwich for dinner and skip the dining room.  Jia and Luk are both wanting fancy dinner so I hope Eric is up to taking them tonight.  I did suggest they go on their own but apparently that's scary.  

Eric, the boys and I did get some quiet time on my lanaii again.  Whales today!  Kai fell asleep.  He never naps so he's clearly exhausted.  Luk is struggling to keep up to Dagen and his feet are hurting.  So definitely an early night for both of them tonight.

Our first port day is tomorrow.  So exciting.