
Our family.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Fei is 18!!

Eric and I are up getting ready.  We set the table with her gold dishes.  That was fun.  It did require washing first.  I've gathered all her paperwork and I.D. for the ceremonial handing over of responsibility.  

How is she an adult already?!

Waiting for her to get up now ;)

Eric shopped yesterday for fancy dinner and he was instructed to get an ice cream cake at DQ for her.  He went off list.  He went off list! A wee Birthday snafu.  Bit of a panic here.  He found a pretty yellow cake and bought it.  What?!  Yikes.  She doesn't eat cake.  Or icing.  I think the cake should go in the freezer and he should head down and get an ice cream cake. He thinks we should just eat the cake he bought. So now we've made another cake that she might like.  A fat free peach cake with melted sugar topping.  

Oh how I wish the kids could celebrate with their friends.  Stuck here with us is just getting so sad.  Trying to think of something fun and different to do later.  I thought maybe learning a country line dance and doing a tik tok.  She didn't reject that idea.  Next idea was a make over photo session, she did reject that idea.  Last suggestion was a poker night.  That seems the likely scenario.  I understand poker hands (video poker) but not betting, rules, game play. A quick YouTube video has me ready.  How did we learn crap before YouTube?  
Dinner was great.  Fancy restaurant quality but in sweat pants and pajamas.  
The store bought cake was ok.  We put half in the freezer, will eat the peach cake tomorrow.  
Poker was fun.  Not a favorite game but good for a laugh.
A little puppy entertainment today.