
Our family.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


I'm on steroids for a couple days to deal with the dental issues.  Cured my current crohns issues overnight.  Feeling like I could go jogging today.  I won't.  It's cold out.  But such a great feeling.  You all wanted to know that.  

I went full tilt all day.  Totally over did it.  I'm exhausted but still no pain.

Had our conference call with Children's about Luk today.  They have some concerns and want him to do a sedated mri to check his shunt and hydrocephalus.  Waiting to find out if Victoria will accommodate that or if we need to go to Children's.  To clarify, they think he might need a revision, a shunt revision is brain surgery.  Considered normal for spiba bifida but not something we've dealt with yet so it will be a big, huge freaking deal.  Luk will  be very upset and I will be strong for him but totally distraught.  But it's not a thing until it's a thing.  

Fei has an essay assignment she's wanting help with.  Also had to fill out papers for her employer to get wage subsidy for her.  She goes back to work in March.

A friend is calling with an unsolvable big problem.

A close friend needs a new rental home but has a dog and cat in an extremely bad housing crisis.  

Rosie, vet, making plans with Mary and the delivery filled a lot of our day.  I don't love driving at night anymore.  Glaucoma is not my friend. Definitely satisfying to see Mary and May so happy.

Filled our Lunar New Year bags.  Fei and I delivered 8 of them on the way to Duke Point.  

Jia has had a problem with one of her games and needs help solving it.  I don't know how to help her.  I'm pretty sick of computer crap.
I want real life and real people back.

Luk and Kai have been doing great but chose today to really yell and fight.  While Lili was doing a mid term test.  Sigh.

Tomorrow starts Lunar New Year.  My plan was to take Friday off and make a feast of dumplings.  I took today off instead so I've challenged Lili and Fei to make them this time.  I did buy cheater wrappers just in case.  We'll see how the day pans out. We all opted out of decorating this year.  Just not feeling it.  Everyone agrees the important thing is the dumplings.

Jia, Luk and Kai all have a cold.  Started with a sore throat, then a runny nose, now a slight cough. New health rules say they need a covid test or isolate for 10 days.  So they have 4 more days to isolate.  Once upon a time we wouldn't have even considered them sick. 

Mom has lots going on and we're not much help to each other these days.

Kai's metcha day on Saturday.  Wonder if he'll pick cereal for dinner. Or possibly pizza.  

Valentines Day on Sunday. Zero plans.

Monday is Fei's 18th Birthday!! Also BC's Family Day.  She can't decide what to do for fun or what to eat or what kind of dessert.  I've given her lots of suggestions.  Haha. Looking like it will be a surprise day just like for Jia.

My stress level is super high.