
Our family.

Sunday, September 26, 2021


It was too wet to get outside today so Eric moved the treadmill in for me. He also offered to take us to Woodgrove but that felt like too much work today since we have to go to Victoria tomorrow. Luk has an orthotics appointment at Queen Alexandra. 

We've had Mom and Dad's recumbent bike here for a long time.  The seat is too far back for me.  Today Eric drilled holes in the metal frame so Kai and I could use it only to realize after that it doesn't change tension anymore and the setting it's stuck on is too hard.

Kai wasn't as thrilled as I was to have the treadmill back. However, he screwed up with his tablet again and the deal today was 1/2 hour of walking for an hour on the tablet.  He tried a couple weeks ago to sneak his tablet up to bed under his pajama top.  Eric caught him and he told him no way.  Friday night I woke up at 3 and could hear someone watching a show.  I woke Eric thinking it must be Jia but it turned out to be Kai.  The interesting part is that normally he plays clueless when he's in trouble, shrugs his shoulders, cries, and almost always refuses to admit his part.  This time he totally admitted he knew he shouldn't, he knew the rules and he was mad at us for taking his tablet away.  Saturday he was told no screens.  Which wasn't fair to Luk so TV was allowed but Kai wasn't allowed to pick.  So he was even madder at us.  Then we brought in the dreaded treadmill.  Kai is hating school and right now he's not so thrilled with home. However, he did do an hour on the treadmill. So did I.  It's not as nice as a walk outside but Netflix helps make it fun. 

School....the boys teacher saw us Friday at pick up.  Eric sent dried seaweed in their lunches and Kai tried to eat the silica sand pouch in the packaging and when he couldn'tget into it he took it to his teacher to help him open it.  She was quite shocked. We were told to do better with our packing. She then told us it was fruit and vege day and it was pears, and he ate it all, core too and the juice was running off him.  Haha.  She was pretty surprised.  He has never been handed a pear before.  We peel, cut and prepare all of his food in bite size to be eaten with a fork or spoon.  

Luk has barely lifted his head from his phone.  It's safe to say he loves it.  He went to Gramma's this afternoon and I told him to take his phone.  He didn't.  He left it here plugged in.  Missing the point of the 'phone'.  
This is how they're all watching TV with me.
Finn is back! Playing, biting , face mushing, running around being his normal goofy puppy self. Tonight he leapt up to the back of the couch. A new skill.  We're still struggling with re-potty training but sometimes he makes the trip to his pee pad.  About 50/50 right now.