
Our family.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Blank Calendar Square

I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something. I've checked the calendar twice and Mar 23 is blank.  That is pretty rare for a weekday.  It's a weird feeling.  

Eric is off this morning picking up a car battery for Mom.  Then he's going to attach the half umbrella pole to Cheese so we can use it this weekend. Rain in the forcast. I keep bugging him, are you done?  Are you done?  Are you done now?  Yesterday he put the new water pump in, and then there was leaking.  It's all fixed again.  The pump is the quietest we've ever had in any unit.  I'm at my desk just finishing up Feb.  Such a scramble to get away every time.  Jia gave Finn his meds last night for the first time.  Now we're trying to get her to do up Isabel's dinner.  She says it's gross but it's literally home made soup added over a bit of kibble. 
I've been gathering :)  This has to fit into Cheese.  Haha.  Plus the stuff in the garage that will mostly go in the storage bin.  Plus the bedding that's all in two black garbage bags and another laundry basket of towels and facecloths.  I keep telling Eric there is stuff missing from my stash so somewhere in the basement or garage is another box.  I'm hoping to move in tonight.  Can't wait.  This is the super fun part.  Update, it all fit.  Eric put it all away while I was doing math with Jia.  So of course when I joined him I had him take it all out so we could do it the way I had planned.  Haha, married life.  He seriously shpuld have seen that one coming.

The boys are up to basically nothing.  I have to admit that I am pretty annoyed at how lazy the kids are at this age.  They seriously want to do nothing and go nowhere.  I'm so tired of offering, pleading and lecturing.  Apparently we are currently raising lumps.  Jia doesn't want to do what we're doing or go anywhere but she is at least always crazy busy with something.  Spring break was certainly not all that I had hoped.

In desperation I even offered for them to come with us camping this weekend.  I didn't really want to give up alone time with Eric so it was a great relief that they all said a big no.  Should we take this personally?  

I don't remember Lili and Fei being like this.  They were in dance, piano and theater and had a baby sister, they just didn't get the time to lounge around I guess.  

How do you force someone to get interested in something?  Why are they so damn happy?  Shouldn't they be bored to death?  I would be.  Eric would be.  We're like constant activity.  For Eric it's just the way he is.  For me I like to get as much done before the next Crohns flare hits and forces me into down time.  

I do know we can remove phones, tv, video games and computers.  This doesn't solve the issue of them being interested in other things.  The boys will literally sit and stare at walls.  We can force family fun.  Kai cries, Luk sulks and Jia complains.  

But, they're happy.  Still happy to help with chores now and then. Happy to have a conversation. Happy to help with the pets.  They come running for meals.  I shouldn't be complaining.  This is just a phase.  This is just a phase.  This too shall pass.  

Oh, and a great report at the eye specialist yesterday.  The bleeding vein in one eye has cleared up.  Pressure holding great.  Retina thinning but at a normal rate.  And I'm good to keep driving.  My field vision was improved for the first time in five years.  So no surgery any time soon.  I was hoping to move to a year call back but nope still at every six months. New young specialist, 1st time with her and she used the words "normal for your age".  Sigh.