
Our family.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Snow & Dumplings

Being able to reach everything will never get old.  
Eric washed.  I dried.  

I think once Eric and I are childless we could definitely see traveling in an a-frame.  It's plenty of room for two of us.  We woke up this morning listening to people on the trail talking about the pop up with hard walls.  Funny but we would have preferred sleeping in longer. We are aware that the plan for five of us in here for a week will be a bit nuts.  Warmer weather and outdoor space will help.
When we left today we didn't have much of a plan.  We started with the thrift store.  Then to Ladysmith.  We thought maybe going to Arbutus to kick tires because we could with no kids.  But it was really raining when we got there so we went to Ping's for a dumpling snack.  It was snowing when we got there.  Yikes. 

We brought our dumplings back then weren't hungry for dinner so we curled up and watched a John Wayne movie. Dinner wasn't until 8:30.  Total rebels.  

Thanks Mom for letting us get away.  We've definitely enjoyed no schedule. No kids and no pets.