
Our family.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Mid Autumn Moon Festival

It was a gong show of packing. Laundry, house chores, Isabel care and cleanup, keeping everyone fed and keeping the normal schedule.  We definitely haven't relaxed in the last week.
A few weeks ago crazy man bought a gromet making kit at the thrift store.  Today he made carpets to wrap around the trailer stairs.  These are expensive in the rv shop,only a couple bucks to make his own.  He's quite pleased.

I gave up trying to work with the paper lanterns today and just pulled out the old ones from the last couple years.  
Eric wanted to show me what the Wrangler would look like with the trailer behind.  Not as striking as behind the white and black van.
We dropped the trailer before picking up the boys from school.  It's so gorgeous here at Osborn Bay.  Cold but pretty.  We're just so grateful it's stopped raining.
We were a small group this year.  We had lots of laughs, the moon was fabulous and it's fun to be camping.
Credit to Eric for this photo.  

Now we're in the new trailer for the first time. It's pretty cozy. Boys were asleep hours ago.  Eric crashed as soon as he layed down.  Jia is munching popcorn and I'm shockingly still awake.