
Our family.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Of Course.

So, this week has been a gong show.  All of us in different directions. Vehicles dropped off somewhere every morning. Waiting for parts.  Lili needing a new car.  Having people calling about things for sale.  Eric working on all kinds of projects but mostly the moho exhaust system AGAIN.  A wee annoyance at the school with a male teacher who was on a mission to annoy me last year and took up his issue again this year.  I spent time awake planning my argument-confrontation and in the morning Eric insisted we simply tattle to the principal.  Haha.  Not my go to move but Eric just threw it out there and told the principal that this teacher was driving me nuts.  Not untrue.  Anyways.  The problem isn't me. I'm just fighting for Kai's right to have the same rights as other students once again.  The whole point of inclusion. He doesn't have to wear a damn hat outside if he doesn't want to.  Just like all the other kids with free will and choice.  He is definitely choosing not to wear a hat.  Unless there is a dinosaur on it and then maybe ;)

Today I slept in.  Eric got the boys to school. I have work today so was planning to stay put at my desk.  Eric however having a free day just took off to Sooke.  His sister Julie is moving back to the island and bought a house there.  He's meeting her and the house inspector there.  Then he's going to Saanich to look at a Bigfoot trailer.

I got it in my head midweek that we should consider a Boler for behind the Jeep.  It would be soooo cute painted to match.  However.  Although it would provide the bunk bed for the boys it wouldn't fit Jia.  Who doesn't want to camp with us anyways.  But.  So then I started looking for bigger Bolers.  I don't really love the look as much.  I did discover Bigfoot fiberglass ones though and I'm all over that now.  I found one I was wanting to look at on the main land but it sold last night.  Now Eric is looking at one today on his own.  It looks ok in the pictures but the bathroom is a dry bathroom.  Toilet only.  I would prefer a shower if this is a long term to replace the moho and Cheese thing.  He's super handy so I'm certain he could remedy that.  It's so weird not going with him.  Update, he thought the trailer was too small.  The hunt continues.