
Our family.

Friday, November 17, 2023

You can't even make this stuff up.

Fourth host.  Couple with 6 kids, 19 grandkids.  Retired.  Love camping.  Have opened their 40 acres up to boondockers. Sounds awesome.

We arrive to this gate and a brick wall that surrounds the compound.  But the car and host don't match the expense of this gate/fence/wall.  Like....who can afford that kind of fence!

It's a members only clean food compound.  Cool.  We get in.  He and Eric pick a spot for us.  We got parked.  And then we visited.

Holey-hanna.  I can't even.  They are all the conspiracies.  The 40 acres is self contained.  Fish tanks, barns, fields and 10,000 square of grow houses.  Their own power, their own water.  Using thermal and solar power.  They heat in winter and cool in summer.  They have even printed their own money using actual gold. The private member group has a Doctor, 2 nurses, a teacher, a diesel mechanic, a logger etc.  They're looking for a brewer and a coffee roaster.
This all started for them during covid.

It's super facinating.

Friendly guy. Very well spoken. He knows it all sounds crazy.  

There is some religious stuff thrown in.  They aren't fans of any government entity removing personal freedoms or promoting reteric that pushes agendas.  I could go on.  I would have to say our lifestyles and thoughts don't really align.  Oh, oh, oh, and they believe Ivermectin really is 'the cure'. They take it daily.  

We have definitely landed somewhere interesting.  Haha.  Sort of funny.

Honestly though, if all hell breaks lose one day it would be good to have a place like this. Eric has survivalist in him for sure so he was keen to hear about 'how' they are doing all the things.

Oh, and fourth host that drives a Jeep.  What are the odds?!  I gave him mini ducks. He and his wife have matching Jeeps. 
We camped in the forest near the wood cutting section. It was close to the gate and level.  We have a telescopic ladder now so we weren't really trapped.  Kidding.  Sort of.
We're off nice and early today.  We have a stop planned for Walmart again to coincide with lunch.  Picking up a flat of my fave canned chili to bring home.  Then onto Everson Washington for our last night.  Staying on a farm tonight.  They have a friendly pet peacock.  Sounds fun right?  We'll see.