
Our family.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Finding Joy


Yesterday I drove into town five times. Oy.  
I did find myself alone at lunch time and Mr Mr was stupid busy but he stopped long enough for me to pick him up for a lunch out.  We finally found/got around to going to the Taco Hole.  Fun but horrible food.  Edible but not worth going again.  Makes you wonder about all the rave reviews. 
Home to find Eric loving on his Jeep.  He has jeepitis though, he's found a Gladiator online in Port Alberni.  It would mean trading in Onyx so it's a no for today.  Haha.  Too soon.  I told him it's good to have goals.  Although...this would get me my Oscar back ;)

Eric has been in the garage making big noises.  We don't see a lot of him.  He fabricated a shield for under Oscar.  Then he made a metal disk and painted it to cover the snorkle hole on Onyx.  Now, I think he's trying to refabricate the rock sliders so the side steps can hook on and off them. Jeepapaloosa might be forcing him to make these changes.  I made the mistake of showing him some videos from 2022.  Thankfully we're booked for a beginners trail.  Oscar and I are definitely not ready for the extreme trail.  I can see that Eric is interested though.  

He's out there right now and I can hear him redoing all the rivets on his utility trailer.  It's old and has to be redone every few years.  He did a dump run today of yard waste, garbage and recycling.  Next he needs to take the ride on mower in for a repair. Or to see if it can be repaired.  It's old too.  Last year he could only turn one direction, this year there is no steering so he had to mow the whole yard with a push mower.  Yikes.  Too much yard here for that!  
I found time in the afternoon for a couple more ducks.

The calendar is full.  Sooooo many appointments.  I was at the eye specialist yesterday the pressure in my eyes is down so no glaucoma eye surgery any time soon.  Yay.  I also had an appt with the Endocrinologist and it sort of went ok.  All numbers are good.  No insulin.  Possible weaning of meds coming.  No actual goals just carrying on.  She did seem argumentative and I just clamed up refusing to engage which set her off in lecture mode.  I hate phone call appointments especially with spectrum people.  She literally was suggesting things that are the opposite of the diabetes clinic teachings that she sent me to.  Then suggested I meet with a nutritionist to find a way to eat more fiber.  No amount of reminders about a total colectomy mean anything to her.  She clearly, clearly, clearly hasn't met patients with short bowel syndrome.  So, what do we do when we know the health care providers are wrong?  Do we ignore?  Try to educate?  Find different ones?  

In the same boat with Luk and Jia right now.  Getting varied opinions on both of them.  It's super frustrating.

Surprisingly there is nothing on the calendar this weekend except Jia works on Sunday.  It's a thing of beauty to see those blank squares.  Part of me wants to stay quiet and hide at home in jammies, watch trashy tv, sew more ducks and have lots of long soaks in the spa.  The other part is looking for ideas.  Of course.  I suggested to Eric we check out the Friday night drumming circle in Crofton tonight.  That was a big no from the big guy.  I suggested coffee with the Sooke Jeep group, he didn't say no. He suggested a day trip to Port Alberni tomorrow.  I was contemplating because there are a couple forestry campsites I want to check out and I'd love to visit Cathedral Grove and sit for a bit by the creek. Turned out the offer was a trick, he just wanted to go look at the Gladiator.