A long morning with 10 appointments.
A new urologist to our team who just changed our whole plan. The one that has been in place for several years. Arg. So, now we need more appointments since I believe she is wrong and we need to get back on track. Also lots of talk about adjusting to high school and the team disagreeing re: autism. The team is looking for a better diagnosis plan for Luk. They are all certain it needs to be looked at again.
Then the orthopedic surgeon came near the end and Luk has scholiosis happening now. An mri is planned for the next clinic. On the other hand he doesn't have to wear his leg braces to sleep anymore. We also got a prescription for the next afo's to be made in Victoria and they won't be articulating so they won't need as many repairs by Eric. We're unsure if he's back in 6 months or a year, the team will meet later to discuss.
During the four hours Jia drew on his i-pad and Kai discovered drawing on an art app then he could color it in.
There's a cool new bear at the mall.
We had lunch then Jia and I went to the car for a Dr appointment on the phone with his Pediatrician. We didn't get any shopping time. Now we're in the ferry line up.
I feel like I could sleep for a couple days.
We're camping tomorrow. There is still so much to do.