
Our family.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

French Beach


Shannon's picture.
French Beach is gorgeous.

Getting out was iffy.  The water tank fell out of the brackets.  I said we could use the porta potty and a jug of water but Eric scoffed and stomped off.  He spent the afternoon working miracles.

We were finally loaded and did our usual light check and our trailer right turn signal isn't working.  Arg.  Another half hour before he gave up.  It will have to wait until we're home for a fix.

Izzy eats well.  Seems we're always making her food just as we're trying to leave.

Izzy had a pee moment.  Yikes.  Oceans out of our old gal about an hour after she was outside.  Good days and bad days. She doesn't appear to have pain and is mostly the same happy girl.

I opted to leave the Chihuahuas at home this time.  Fei is home.  It's rainy and cold.  I thought after Eric's frustrating day that he might prefer some actual relaxing time.
We ate Tim's on the way and arrived early evening.  Lots of time to hang out and enjoy fire.  Shannon brought rice crispy squares for roasting on the fire.  Camping win!  They're really good.  We just picked up more for tonight ;) Way easier than smores.

Doesn't everyone make and eat breakfast with their mouse watching everything?!  Haha.

Luk has named him Jerry.

Eric painted the ugly silver storage box.
The rolling rocks.  Tide is out too far but we could hear them through the night.

Today's adventure took us to Sheringham Point Lighthouse.
Nice little walk down.

So pretty.

The perfect shot.