
Our family.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

More questions

I love all the e-mails, I just don't have time with Jia here to answer everyone personally.

Yes, we had to buy Jia pants when we were out because we're third time parents and too arrogant to pack a diaper bag.  Yup...out on the streets for hours with two bottles, three diapers, wipes and sweater for Jia.  Snacks, jackets and drinks for the big girls.  I travel light.  Of course Jia woke up dry that day and I commented to Eric that she was dry and still didn't clue in that there would be a flood coming :)  It's all good.  The lady in the store saw the whole thing play out and I love her new split pants.  She's going to wear them today.

We're all ok health wise.  Eric is feeling off.  His sinuses are bothering him, as they did on the other two trips.  I'm hoping when we get to Beijing and the air is better he'll feel some relief.

The breakfast is actually quite nice, but the restaruant is frightfully hot.  We're not sure what that is all about but it means we don't like to linger in there too long.

The streets aren't empty, the people are wearing layers and layers of clothing and they're huddled inside.  We've noticed there are way more people out in the evenings but the mornings when we're out it is quiet.  The people seem to live in their little stores and you'll see them hanging laundry, cooking at their front counters, sitting in doorways eating, groups of men filling a store playing cards, someone on the street scaling fish or chopping veggies.  The little kids play right on the sidewalk.  I'm such a safty freak, it just makes me crazy out there.  It's wild to me that a grandma can turn their back on the kid they're watching to take the time to come and harass us about layers when their are people, bikes, chickens, dirt, garbage, mud, cars, and all manner of dangers to the children.  Ok, enough judgements.

Oh, Jia is up...more later.


Ok, carefull when you poke fun because darned if it wasn't SNOWING outside when we went down for breakfast.  I have to admit we're not hot today.  I'm not sure what we'll do about today though, we're not excited about the park in the snow :)

Jia is 20lbs.  Yes, very long.  9mo. is perfect except for the length of the legs. 

She is on Good Start 2.  I brought two big cans, I'm not sure it will be enough, I haven't found any Nestle brand here so we'll look in Beijing.  She LOVES her bottles!  A LOT.  She gets 6 a day, 9oz each. 

She won't eat mush so jarred food is out.  She likes Chinese food and rejects most Western food.  She likes steamed eggs.  Today she had fried rice and beans for breakfast.  I don't think she's particularily picky or sentive to textures, perhaps just not particularily hungry when she is so full of formula.

James, the shopping is at a minimum.  I know, so not like me.  I've bought nothing for myself but lots of Chinese items for the three girls.  In my defense the carts in Wal-Mart are really tiny!

The Director gave us a list of feeding times, but not the brand of formula (which I wouldn't have used anyways) and no words at all about what food she likes.  She never gags, never chokes and seems to have great control of the food in her mouth.  She isn't too keen on fruit, she doesn't like sweet. 

Helen is our guide in Jiangxi only.  We'll have a Mr. Yang in Beijing.

Back to gifts, yes our agency told us we didn't have to do them anymore and I'm sure every Province is different.  Here in Jiangxi it was appreciated. to find something to do for the day.  I'd like to find a couple more Chinese bottles and we have to pick up Jia's passport pictures.  We've also heard there is a Cafe Roma down the street with fabulous spaghetti.  Mom and the girls would like that.