
Our family.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I bought this cape for Jia in China and she loves it!

Anything cuter?!

Meiling brought over the best thing ever!  A  walker from China! 

Things are crazy busy here.  Home on Friday.  Jia met 22 people over the weekend.  Back to work and school on Monday.  Phew.  Jia continues to do fabulously, she is simply amazing.  Aside from sleep issues we're all doing great.

Half of us are lagging.  Lili had to come home early yesterday and she crashed until E's sister dropped in with five kids and Lili just couldn't miss that :)   Last night I was up from 12:30 to 3:30 with Jia and then 3:30 to 5:00 with Lili.  Jia and I then slept in until 10:00.  Thankfully Eric and Fei have landed on solid ground and  seem to be done with any jet lag.

When Lili was a baby I never let her cry at nap/night time and I created a sleeping  monster.  Knowing I couldn't survive two like her at night we were forceful with Fei and let her cry it out right away and she is an awesome little sleeper still.  Now I was hoping for a nice middle ground for Jia and I've been working really hard to get her to sleep 'nicely'.  She does NOT want to go in that crib.  She wants to sleep ON me.  Not working for me.  She is awful in our bed, beats us up kicking and punching.  So, I went to work and Eric put her in her crib at nap time and walked out.  I wasn't pleased with him, but really, darned if he wasn't right with her!  I ended up trying it at 3:30am and she was asleep after 9mins!  Tonight I got her to sleep in my arms 3 times and she kept waking up when I layed her down so I told her good night and she whimpered for 4mins and that was that.  Very cool.  I think it is slightly possible that she could be the most perfect baby of all time!  I'm likely bragging the sleep thing too soon of course...and heaven only knows what will happen in the wee hours around here tonight.  My gosh, I sure hope that it's me who gets some sleep tonight.

Our agency sent an e-mail welcoming us home and giving us a list of paperwork to complete.  I'm not even going to look at that again until next week.

I only cried a little leaving her yesterday to go into work.  She did great here with Daddy.  It was a little easier leaving her today.  It sure is nice to get home and see her little smiling face!

Since we've been back I'm hearing from and about so many people who were reading the blog.  I'm shocked at how many readers are out there.  I'm surprised to realize it wasn't all fellow adoptive families which is basically who I was writing for.  I'm so glad everyone has enjoyed our little adventure.  I'm afraid the rest of our daily life although exciting to us won't have quite the appeal of a trip to China to adopt a baby! 

The rest of the week is busy.  Girls are back to dance tomorrow, piano on Thursday, Jia has more family and friends to meet.  Thursday the girls are carving pumpkins at school, every year Eric goes in and helps, Fei and her friend Laurel have a plan that I'll come in and babysit Jia so he can help them again, because he's the best helper :)  Anyways, tonight while we were discussing it, Eric said he'd just take Jia in some grubbies and let her play in the pumpkins.  How fun is that?!  Lili and Fei wouldn't have liked the cold squishy texture but Jia will LOVE it.  Fei's other idea is to carve a huge pumpkin and put Jia in it for pictures.  Then on Friday there is a school dance, Eric and I are both politely offering to take the girls and let the other stay home with Jia.  Neither one of us wants to go, they're always way too loud and dark.  We'll see which of us ends up getting to stay home.  I do realize how old that makes us sound.  Saturday there are a few families getting together for Trick-or-Treating downtown, then out for lunch and a play back here at the house.  I'm already looking forward to Sunday girls jamma day.